100+ List of Alexa Commands

Amazon’s Alexa stands out as a pioneer. From setting reminders to controlling smart devices, Alexa has become an integral part of our daily lives. To harness the full potential of this virtual assistant, one needs to be well-versed in a myriad of Alexa commands. This article serves as a comprehensive guide, exploring over 100 commands that will transform your interaction with Alexa.

Getting Started with Alexa

Before diving into the extensive list of commands, let’s ensure that you have a solid foundation in using Alexa. Here are some fundamental commands to get you started 

Alexa, what’s the weather today?

Begin your day by checking the weather. Alexa provides accurate and up-to-date information to help you plan your activities.

Alexa, set a timer for 10 minutes.

Useful in the kitchen or during workouts, this command ensures you stay on track with your tasks.

Alexa, play my flash briefing.

Stay informed with the latest news updates tailored to your preferences by customizing your flash briefing.

Navigating Your Smart Home

Alexa is not just a virtual assistant; it’s the command center for your smart home. Utilize these commands to seamlessly control your connected devices 

Alexa, turn off the lights.

Control your smart lighting effortlessly with this command, setting the perfect ambiance for any occasion.

Alexa, set the thermostat to 72 degrees.

Adjust your smart thermostat to ensure your home is always at the ideal temperature.

Alexa, lock the front door.

Secure your home with this command, provided you have a compatible smart lock system.

Entertainment Commands

Enhance your leisure time with Alexa’s entertainment commands. Whether it’s music, movies, or podcasts, Alexa has you covered 

Alexa, play my favorite song.

Enjoy a personalized music experience by instructing Alexa to play your favorite tunes.

Alexa, tell me a joke.

Add a touch of humor to your day with Alexa’s extensive repertoire of jokes and funny anecdotes.

Alexa, play the latest episode of [Podcast Name].

Stay updated on your favorite podcasts by instructing Alexa to play the latest episodes.

Personal Productivity

Alexa can be your personal assistant, helping you stay organized and productive throughout the day 

Alexa, add milk to my shopping list.

Effortlessly update your shopping list by verbally adding items whenever you run out.

Alexa, what’s on my calendar for today?

Stay on top of your schedule by having Alexa provide a quick overview of your day’s appointments.

Alexa, remind me to call John at 3 PM.

Set reminders to ensure you never miss important tasks or appointments.

Voice Shopping

Embrace the convenience of voice shopping with Alexa. Explore a new way to make purchases with just a few words 

Alexa, order more paper towels.

Restock your essentials by verbally placing an order through Alexa.

Alexa, where is my package?

Track your Amazon orders seamlessly by asking Alexa for the latest delivery updates.

Alexa, add [Product] to my cart.

Streamline your shopping experience by adding items to your Amazon cart through voice commands.

Health and Wellness

Alexa extends its utility to health and wellness, offering features to support your well-being 

Alexa, start a 5-minute meditation.

Integrate mindfulness into your routine with Alexa’s guided meditation sessions.

Alexa, how many steps have I taken today?

Stay active by monitoring your daily steps with this fitness-oriented command.

Alexa, ask Fitbit how I slept last night.

If you have a compatible device, check your sleep quality with this insightful command.

Learning with Alexa

Transform your Alexa-enabled device into an educational tool with commands tailored for learning 

Alexa, tell me a fun fact.

Expand your knowledge with daily doses of interesting facts provided by Alexa.

Alexa, spell [Word].

Sharpen your spelling skills by having Alexa quiz you on the correct spelling of words.

Alexa, what’s the capital of [Country]?

Brush up on geography by testing your knowledge of world capitals with this command.

Exploring Alexa’s Skills

Alexa’s skills are vast and varied, extending beyond basic commands. Explore the versatility of Alexa by diving into specific skills 

Alexa, enable the [Skill Name] skill.

Unlock new functionalities by enabling third-party skills that cater to your interests and hobbies.

Alexa, ask [Skill Name] for a recipe.

Discover new recipes and cooking tips by tapping into specialized skills focused on culinary delights.

Alexa, play a game of 20 Questions.

Entertain yourself and others with Alexa’s interactive games, perfect for social gatherings or family time.

Customizing Alexa’s Responses

Personalize your interaction with Alexa by exploring options to customize its responses and behavior 

Alexa, change your wake word to [Word].

If “Alexa” feels too formal, customize the wake word to something more personalized.

Alexa, speak faster/slower.

Adjust Alexa’s speaking speed to match your preferences for a more comfortable interaction.

Alexa, can you whisper?

Experience a more discreet interaction by asking Alexa to respond in a whisper.

Troubleshooting and Settings

When encountering issues or wanting to tweak settings, these commands will come in handy 

Alexa, what’s your battery level?

For devices with batteries, check the remaining battery level to avoid unexpected shutdowns.

Alexa, go to settings.

Access the settings menu to fine-tune various parameters according to your preferences.

Alexa, help.

When in doubt or needing clarification, use this command to access a general help menu for guidance.

Exploring Alexa’s Advanced Commands and Features

As we delve deeper into the capabilities of Alexa, it becomes evident that this virtual assistant is not merely a voice-operated device; it’s a sophisticated tool with advanced commands and features that cater to a wide range of user needs.

Advanced Smart Home Commands

While turning off lights and adjusting thermostats are common smart home commands, Alexa goes beyond the basics to offer advanced controls for a more seamless living experience 

Alexa, start my morning routine.

Customize and initiate a series of actions with one command, such as turning on lights, adjusting the thermostat, and providing a news brief to kickstart your day.

Alexa, discover my devices.

If you’ve added new smart devices to your home, use this command to allow Alexa to find and connect to them effortlessly.

Alexa, set the movie scene.

Create a cinematic atmosphere by adjusting your smart lights and entertainment system simultaneously for the perfect movie night.

Voice Control for Music Enthusiasts

For music aficionados, Alexa offers a plethora of commands that go beyond basic playback control. Elevate your music experience with these advanced commands 

Alexa, play music for a workout.

Let Alexa curate a playlist that matches the energy and tempo you need for your exercise routine.

Alexa, play [Song] by [Artist] on all devices.

Sync your music across multiple Alexa-enabled devices for a surround sound experience throughout your home.

Alexa, create a playlist for my dinner party.

Build a customized playlist for your social gatherings, tailoring the music to suit the mood and atmosphere.

Enhanced Productivity Commands

As a personal assistant, Alexa offers advanced productivity commands that can simplify your daily tasks and enhance your efficiency 

Alexa, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 2 PM.

Integrate with your calendar and effortlessly schedule meetings with a straightforward voice command.

Alexa, read my email.

Stay on top of your communications by having Alexa read aloud your emails, allowing you to multitask effectively.

Alexa, create a to-do list.”

Go beyond simple reminders and organize your tasks by creating and managing a comprehensive to-do list with Alexa.

Voice Shopping Upgrades

Amazon has integrated Alexa seamlessly into its shopping experience, and advanced commands make the process even smoother 

Alexa, reorder my last purchase.

Quickly restock essential items by instructing Alexa to reorder a product from your purchase history.

Alexa, suggest a new book.

Get personalized book recommendations based on your reading history and preferences.

Alexa, track my packages.

Stay informed about the status and location of your packages with real-time updates from Alexa.

Wellness and Fitness Beyond Basics

Alexa’s commitment to your well-being extends beyond basic health commands. Utilize these advanced features to enhance your fitness journey 

Alexa, start a 30-day fitness challenge.

Embark on a structured fitness program by letting Alexa guide you through a 30-day challenge tailored to your fitness level.

Alexa, ask Fitbit about my weekly progress.

Dive into detailed insights about your fitness progress, including steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns.

Alexa, suggest healthy dinner recipes.

Plan nutritious meals with Alexa’s assistance by receiving tailored recipe suggestions based on your dietary preferences.

Lifelong Learning with Alexa

Expand your knowledge and skills with advanced learning commands that transform Alexa into your personal tutor 

Alexa, teach me a new language.

Embark on a language-learning journey by receiving daily lessons and practicing with Alexa’s interactive language skills.

Alexa, explain the theory of relativity.

Get in-depth explanations on complex topics with Alexa serving as your virtual encyclopedia.

Alexa, recommend educational games for kids.

Make learning fun for children by exploring Alexa’s vast array of educational games and interactive experiences.

Mastering Third-Party Skills

Alexa’s skills are not limited to its built-in features. Explore third-party skills to unlock even more functionalities 

Alexa, enable the Uber skill.

Integrate ride-sharing services seamlessly into your daily routine with the Uber skill.

Alexa, ask for the latest news from BBC.

Stay updated with news from your preferred sources by enabling and customizing news skills.

Alexa, play a guided meditation from Headspace.

Access specialized content by integrating third-party skills like Headspace for guided meditation sessions.

Personalizing Your Alexa Experience

Tailor your interaction with Alexa further by exploring advanced customization options and settings 

Alexa, create a voice profile for [Name].

Teach Alexa to recognize different voices in your household, personalizing responses and content for each user.

Alexa, enable Follow-Up Mode.

Simplify multi-step interactions by enabling Follow-Up Mode, allowing you to ask additional questions without repeating the wake word.

Alexa, tell me a bedtime story.

Enhance your bedtime routine by having Alexa narrate a soothing bedtime story to help you relax and unwind.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance

As with any technology, troubleshooting may be necessary at times. Alexa provides advanced commands for diagnostics and maintenance 

Alexa, run a diagnostic test.

Identify and resolve issues with your Alexa-enabled device by running a diagnostic test.

Alexa, update your software.

Ensure your device is running the latest features and security updates by instructing Alexa to update its software.

Alexa, forget my voice.

Reset voice recognition settings for enhanced privacy or if you want to retrain Alexa to recognize your voice differently.

Exploring the Depths of Alexa’s Command Repertoire

As we embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of Alexa’s vast command library, it becomes evident that this virtual assistant is not merely a voice-activated device but a sophisticated tool with a multitude of commands and features. In this segment, we’ll delve into the more advanced aspects of Alexa’s capabilities, going beyond the basics and uncovering the richness of possibilities that lie within.

Advanced Smart Home Controls  Elevating Your Living Experience

The smart home ecosystem has witnessed remarkable growth, and Alexa stands at the forefront, seamlessly integrating with a plethora of devices. While turning off lights and adjusting thermostats are standard commands, Alexa’s advanced smart home controls take your living experience to new heights.

“Alexa, start my morning routine.”

Imagine initiating a series of actions with a single command, orchestrating your smart home to prepare for the day ahead. This command allows you to customize and automate tasks such as turning on lights, adjusting the thermostat, and providing a personalized news brief to kickstart your morning.

“Alexa, discover my devices.”

Introducing new smart devices to your home? No problem. With this command, Alexa effortlessly finds and connects to these devices, streamlining the integration process and ensuring that your smart home ecosystem remains up-to-date.

“Alexa, set the movie scene.”

Transform your living room into a cinematic oasis with this command. Alexa not only dims the lights but can also adjust your smart entertainment system, creating the perfect ambiance for a movie night at home.

Music Enthusiast’s Paradise  Beyond Basic Playback

For those who revel in the world of music, Alexa offers more than just basic playback controls. The advanced music commands open up a realm of possibilities, enhancing your auditory experience in ways you might not have imagined.

“Alexa, play music for a workout.”

Tailor your workout soundtrack effortlessly with this command. Alexa curates a playlist that matches the energy and tempo you need for your exercise routine, ensuring that your fitness sessions are accompanied by the perfect beats.

“Alexa, play [Song] by [Artist] on all devices.”

Sync your music experience across multiple Alexa-enabled devices with this advanced command. Whether you’re moving from room to room or hosting a gathering, this feature provides a seamless, synchronized sound experience.

“Alexa, create a playlist for my dinner party.”

Hosting an event? Alexa can help set the mood by curating a playlist tailored to the atmosphere you want to create. From upbeat tunes to mellower melodies, Alexa’s music curation is as diverse as your taste.

Supercharging Productivity  Advanced Task Management

As a personal assistant, Alexa goes beyond basic reminders and calendar management. Advanced productivity commands allow you to streamline your daily tasks and boost your efficiency in various aspects of life.

“Alexa, schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 2 PM.”

Integrate seamlessly with your calendar by instructing Alexa to schedule meetings. This advanced command not only adds an event but also ensures that it aligns with your existing commitments.

“Alexa, read my email.”

Stay on top of your communications with this command that enables Alexa to read aloud your emails. Multitask effectively by receiving important updates while engaged in other activities.

“Alexa, create a to-do list.”

Move beyond basic reminders and organize your tasks efficiently with a comprehensive to-do list. Alexa becomes your task management ally, helping you stay focused and productive.

Streamlined Voice Shopping  The Future of Retail

Voice shopping has emerged as a game-changer, and Alexa is at the forefront of this retail revolution. With advanced voice shopping commands, Amazon has seamlessly integrated the shopping experience into the realm of voice interactions.

“Alexa, reorder my last purchase.”

Simplify the restocking process by instructing Alexa to reorder a product from your purchase history. This command saves time and effort, especially for frequently used or essential items.

“Alexa, suggest a new book.”

Book recommendations are at your fingertips with this command. Alexa leverages your reading history and preferences to provide personalized suggestions, opening the door to new literary adventures.

“Alexa, track my packages.”

Stay informed about the status and location of your packages with real-time updates from Alexa. This command provides convenience and peace of mind, especially for avid online shoppers.

Wellness and Fitness  Beyond Basic Health Commands

Alexa’s commitment to your well-being extends beyond basic health commands. Advanced features cater to fitness enthusiasts, offering insights and guidance to enhance your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

“Alexa, start a 30-day fitness challenge.”

Embark on a structured fitness program by letting Alexa guide you through a 30-day challenge tailored to your fitness level. This command adds an element of gamification to your workout routine.

“Alexa, ask Fitbit about my weekly progress.”

Dive into detailed insights about your fitness progress with this command. Alexa retrieves information from your Fitbit, providing data on steps taken, calories burned, and sleep patterns.

“Alexa, suggest healthy dinner recipes.”

Plan nutritious meals effortlessly with Alexa’s assistance. This command generates tailored recipe suggestions based on your dietary preferences, making healthy eating more accessible.

Lifelong Learning  Alexa as Your Personal Tutor

Transform your Alexa-enabled device into a personal tutor with advanced learning commands. From languages to complex topics, Alexa’s educational features are diverse and engaging.

“Alexa, teach me a new language.”

Embark on a language-learning journey with daily lessons and interactive exercises. Alexa becomes your language tutor, adapting to your pace and style of learning.

“Alexa, explain the theory of relativity.”

Access in-depth explanations on complex topics with Alexa serving as your virtual encyclopedia. This command opens the door to a world of knowledge, making learning more accessible.

“Alexa, recommend educational games for kids.”

Make learning fun for children with Alexa’s vast array of educational games and interactive experiences. This command caters to the younger audience, combining entertainment with education.

Mastering Third-Party Skills  Expanding Alexa’s Horizons

While Alexa boasts a robust set of built-in features, the true versatility lies in its ability to integrate third-party skills. These skills enhance Alexa’s functionality, providing users with a diverse range of applications.

“Alexa, enable the Uber skill.”

Integrate ride-sharing services seamlessly into your daily routine with the Uber skill. This command transforms Alexa into a travel companion, simplifying your commuting experience.

“Alexa, ask for the latest news from BBC.”

Stay updated with news from your preferred sources by enabling and customizing news skills. This command ensures you receive information that matters most to you, keeping you well-informed.

“Alexa, play a guided meditation from Headspace.”

Access specialized content by integrating third-party skills like Headspace for guided meditation sessions. This command enhances Alexa’s wellness features, offering a holistic approach to mental well-being.

Personalizing Your Alexa Experience  Tailoring Interactions

Customization is key to a personalized experience, and Alexa offers advanced commands to tailor its responses and behavior according to your preferences.

“Alexa, create a voice profile for [Name].”

Teach Alexa to recognize different voices in your household, personalizing responses and content for each user. This command ensures a tailored experience for everyone interacting with Alexa.

“Alexa, enable Follow-Up Mode.”

Simplify multi-step interactions with Follow-Up Mode, allowing you to ask additional questions without repeating the wake word. This feature streamlines conversations, making interactions more natural and fluid.

“Alexa, tell me a bedtime story.”

Enhance your bedtime routine with a soothing bedtime story narrated by Alexa. This command adds a touch of warmth and familiarity to your nighttime rituals, promoting relaxation.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance  Keeping Alexa Running Smoothly

Even the most advanced technology may encounter hiccups, and Alexa provides advanced commands for diagnostics and maintenance to ensure a smooth user experience.

“Alexa, run a diagnostic test.”

Identify and resolve issues with your Alexa-enabled device by running a diagnostic test. This command aids in troubleshooting, ensuring optimal performance.

“Alexa, update your software.”

Stay current with the latest features and security updates by instructing Alexa to update its software. This command is crucial for maintaining the health and functionality of your device.

“Alexa, forget my voice.”

Reset voice recognition settings with this command, enhancing privacy or allowing you to retrain Alexa to recognize your voice differently. This feature is particularly useful in shared environments.

Embracing Alexa’s Continuous Evolution  Staying Ahead

It’s crucial to recognize that Alexa’s capabilities are continually evolving. Amazon consistently introduces new features and skills, expanding the potential applications of Alexa commands. Staying informed about updates, exploring new skills regularly, and embracing the evolving landscape of voice-controlled technology are integral to maximizing the benefits of this virtual assistant.

100+ List of Alexa Commands

FAQs of 100+ List of Alexa Commands

Q: How do I activate Alexa?

A: Simply say “Alexa” followed by your command, or press the Alexa button on your device if it has one.

Q: Can Alexa tell jokes?

A: Yes, say “Alexa, tell me a joke” for a dose of humor. You can also ask for riddles or funny stories.

Q: What music services work with Alexa?

A: Alexa supports popular services like Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Music, and more. Set your preferred service in the Alexa app.

Q: How to control smart lights with Alexa?

A: “Alexa, turn on [light name]” or “Alexa, dim [light name]” are common commands. Ensure smart lights are properly set up in the Alexa app.


Mastering the extensive list of Alexa commands opens up a world of possibilities, transforming your virtual assistant into a personalized, efficient companion. From managing your smart home to enhancing your entertainment experience, Alexa continues to evolve, offering new features and skills regularly. Experiment with these commands, discover your favorites, and let Alexa streamline your daily routine like never before. Embrace the future of technology with Alexa at your command.

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